Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Financial Transparency

An old selfie, sitting on the old toilet :)
 In the book Conversations With God, the author Neale Donald Walsch asks about what a good economic system would be given what we (humans) say we want to do/be, and God said: Complete transparency.  Open books.  Tell everyone what you make and what you spend, companies and individuals.  It sounds shocking from where we are, but why not?  Why keep that information but to deceive?  We are so built up on our lies that we imagine they are rights to survival.  I call bullshit.  At the Radical Honesty Workshop it is said that by the end of the 9.5 days everyone is completely in love with each other.   As terrifying as it feels to be radically honest,  really:  we get this, right?  If we just tell the truth, initially we will have to walk through fire and some card castles will fall and reveal their nature, it will be painful, but then we will be free and in love with EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. 

I'm chickening out in this post on being financially transparent, but I endeavor to eventually post it on the internets. I'll give you a clue, though: it's paltry.

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